Convex Concave Rocks optical Illusion

Convex Concave Rocks optical Illusion is a snap shot taken Wild Horse Canyon in Utah.  Mandy pointed out that both of these images are identical just the bottom is flipped upside down.  The top picture appears to be a normal rocky hillside with concave holes in the facade, however the bottom picture appears to have strange convex budges coming out of the side of the mountain.  Its amazing how much the shading of the shadows can play tricks on our eyes.

Convex or Concave anomalies in the rock wall?

Double Bus Optical Illusion

Double Bus Optical Illusion is not your regular double decker bus. This fabulous piece of art work was created by Tom Kennedy who builds these warped art cars and tours them around the world. Kennedy uses the cars to express his political views that are anything but straight forward. The Bus is even going to be driven around for the 2008 Presidential campaign. The top of the bus hides a speakers post, and in the effort to go green this bus even runs on biodiesel.

Double Bus Optical Illusion

Dirty Car Art

Dirty Car Art brings the old fashion wash me signs to a whole new level. Scott Wade has mastered the art drawing in dirty windows.  Scott window art started with his finger then developed new tools and techniques such as the use of  brushes, Popsicle sticks, paint edgers and even plants! I would almost hate to wash my car if i came out and had one of these works of art on my back window!

Soldier Dust Art

Bob in the dirty window

Elf Dirty Window Art

Santa Window Art

Fifa Soccer Superstar Ronaldinho Window Art

Floorless Bathroom Optical Illusion

Floorless Bathroom Optical Illusion is one place that would be a freaky place to go to the wash room. Imagine sitting on the toilet looking down hundreds of miles below, just don’t loose your balance! Like the Elevator Optical Illusion a little artistic can go along way in creating stunning optical illusions.  Im not sure if any of you have stood on the CN Towers glass floor but it is defiantly a sprang feeling looking so far down.

This bath room up in the sky has no floor!

Bear In the Waves Optical Illusion

Bear in the Waves Optical Illusions is one those hidden image Optical Illusions but not really all that hidden.  If you look into the waves you may notice a big polar bear rushing towards the waves.  Hidden Animals Optical Illusion is also another Optical illusion that has tuns of hidden creatures for your searching pleasure. 7 Hidden Horses is also another good ones, those previous two are a little more work.. so happy searching!

Bear in the Waves Optical Illusion

Extreme Leaning Optical Illusion

Extreme Leaning Optical Illusion from the lens of Steve Chabot. These kind of Snapshot Illusions can be pretty tricky to solve.  My initial theory was that the picture was just taken an an angle, but if you look at the vegetation it appears to be growing straight up as the shot was taken.  If the hill was slanted then the trees and plants would be leaning in the same direction as him. So what do you think, just  a slanted camera or is there more to this snapshot Illusion?

Some very Extreme Leaning!

The House That Swift Built Optical Illusion

The House That Swift Built Optical Illusion is one of those three dimensional 2D pictures sent in by Jen S. This picture is real neat in the fact that your mind is all over the place trying to figure out how it all works. Are those stairs going up or down? These types of illusions are generaly inspired off some of the works of MC Eschers Works. Such as Escher’s Belvedere, Escher’s Ascending Descending stairs or the famous Waterfall Optical Illusion. So with all these mind games can you get a good grasp on the reality that exists in this picture!

The House that Swift built Optical Illusion - this is one place you can defiantly get lost!

Optical Illusion Photography by Li Wei

Optical Illusion Photography by Li Wei is some pretty incredible work. None of his Optical Illusion photos are computer edited or photoshoped! They are all done using mirrors cables and good old fashion acrobatics. Considering these are all real stunts it is fairly impressive work. Well on the falling theme also be sure to check out the 4 feet from death optical illusion. Any ideas how he pulled off these to shots?
Kicked Off a Building Optical Illusion

Head through a wall Optical Illusion

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