3D Street chalk Drawings

3D Street chalk Drawings are some amazing new creations by a Julian Beaver style artist, Eduardor Relero. The set below is new to even myself who is in love with these kind of 3D Chalk Optical Illusions.  These amazing chalk drawings span the streets of Spain attracting locals and tourists alike while sending messages about things such as poverty. The creepy baby head has to be one of my favorites for some reason, it kind of reminds me of something out of a horror movie.  The man starting down at the carving of himself in the pit is also very well done. What do you guys thing of these new masterpieces? Whats your favorite?

3D Chalk Skull pit - just shows the kind of death we stare into as we watch our prime time tv.

Chalk Baby head being fed a skinny dyeing human by his little old mother.

3D chalk bust being admired by the modeled man.

Close up of the 3D Chalk Face in the cliff

Chalk people sitting on a plank of above the watery pit below

Tightrope over the chalk theater

3D Chalk Money Vault

3D Chalk Money Vault is a chalk art masterpiece created by Kurt Wenner.  Waterloo Station in London has become the canvas for some amazing creative advertisements and chalk drawings.  3D Chalk drawings have always been one of my favorite types of optical illusions. From one angel its a distorted image but viewd correctly its a 3d masterpiece.  That little girl below has the right idea, I would be after that safe full of millions of  dollars in bills to 🙂

Little girl trying to rob the bank!

Robing the piggy bank - 3d chalk art

Kurt Wenner 3d Chalk vault

3D Money for me and you

Rabbit in the wood Illusion

Rabbit in the wood Illusion is an amazing photo. You don’t have to look to hard to see the optical Illusion here.  The only real question here is this an amazing coincident or was there some photoshopping behind this. Its hard to tell cause of the lower quality of the image. If this is the work of mother nature then i give her props, because thats a pretty realistic looking wooden rabbit! What do you think.. Real or enhanced 🙂

Cute little rabbit standing in front of his wooden self portrait.

Wolf in the Cat’s Shadow

The Wolf in the Cat’s Shadow is a pretty cool shot. I have sat here for the last 20 minuets going back and forth at the cats position and its shadow trying to determine if this is a true shadow or if it was manipulated in phootoshop. IT could be close either way, the lines are fairly defined which points to photoshop. On the other hand this could just be one of those amazing shots! Either way its a pretty cool image. How do you think the wolf shadow was cast? By the little kitty or its crafty photographer?

Wolf in the cats shadow

Tower Optical Illusion

Tower Optical Illusion is a spectacular photo taken by Sabine form flicker.  This photo was taken down a street in Singapore.  The amazing thing that makes this is an optical illusions is the same picture when placed side by side gives a different perspective of the same image. Look at the clouds and the tower beside the building each one appears to be leaning a different direction.  Also check out a similar Leaning Tower Optical Illusion for another example of this great optical illusion.

Leaning Tower Optical Illusion

Spider Effect Optical Illusion

Spider Effect Optical Illusion is created using 2 images, one normal and the other inverted. The two images are flashed back and forth at a rapid pace.  The contrast shift causes your eyes to perceive the image as moving. If you stare at the theater doesn’t it look like the spider’s coming out at you? Awhile back i posted a similar illusion called Flying through space, there is also a cool 3D Dinosaur optical illusion that uses a similar principle of flashing 2 different perspectives of an image back and forth. Enjoy the Scary optical Illusion of this creeper spider!

Spider Effect Optical Illusion

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