Top 10 Lego Creations

Lego has been a favorite pass time of children for years, how ever some people can take lego very seriously. We have brought you everything from the Lego Olympics to Escher waterfalls in lego. During a trip to Europe with some friends we came across a place called Lego Land which had some of the wildest large scale lego creations I haver seen.  Legoland had gigantic sculptures created soley out of lego, moving ships (on under water tracks) even lego trains and planes you could take a ride one.  Below is a collection of some of the most extreme lego land has to offer!

With an entrance like this.. how could you not be excited 😛

Entrance to Lego land in Germany

The Great Lego hall

Extremely large Lego airport

Lego BBQ - perfect snack after a long day of Lego building!

Giant Lego T-Rex Dinosaur

Lego Einstein

City of Lego

A cute family entirely out of lego

Luxury yacht

Allianz Arena

Inside the stadium composed of the tiny blocks


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