Monthly Archives: February 2008

Square Watermelon Illusion

The Square Watermelon is not just an optical illusion, it has actually been developed by farmers in Zentusji a southern Japanese town. These watermelons are not just a marketing gimmick they serve a practical purpose as well. Japan is a very populated country that lacks space, these square watermelons are the perfect spacing shape and make it convenient for shipping. The watermelons were growing in square tempered glass containers that house the watermelon on the vine and and aid them in shaping them into a perfect square. There is no more awkward stacking of round fruit, this is the ultimate space saving watermelon!

Japanese square watermelon growing in special acrylic boxes

Japanese square watermelons are the perfect space saving idea.

Transformers gone wrong – Truck Illusion

Home Built Transformers gone wrong – Truck Illusion is more of an extreme art. These two semis look like they have crashed into each other and been hoisted up into the air to forum this contraption. I can’t imagine how they would of built this, it would of required a very big crane and some strategic balancing. I guess when you are out in the desert you have lots of time on your hands and can come up with some very creative art work. Also be sure to check out some of the Painted Truck Optical Illusions.

Home build Transformer gone terribly wrong

Lady in the Tree Optical Illusion

Lady in the Tree Optical Illusion is a snapshot that was taken of an actual tree, it appears to of been “enhanced” a bit but i cant confirm that for sure. The tree appears to have the shape of a nude woman grown into the tree branches. This womans figure is quite defined leading me to believe that it was photos hoped to enhance the curves and add a bit of an edge to mother natures beauty. As i was writing this i notices there are a few hidden faces in the tree branches! Try to find them all!

Nude lady growing in the tree branches

Window Hanging Optical Illusion

Decorating has never been so easy as in this Window Hanging Optical Illusion. Remodeling? Just pick up your windows and hang them some where else, its just that easy. These Virtual windows are kinda of like the Virtual Skylight Illusion. They are the perfect way to brighten up even the darkest room. These virtual windows are created using high resolution photos of sun, clouds, and landscapes with a light box to illuminate them giving the the appearance of a real window.

Need to renovate, just pick up and rehang your windows!

Dancing Tree Optical Illusion

Dancing Tree Optical Illusion is a snapshot taken of an actual tree. The roots and branches form the figure of a woman dancer or a ballerina. These little sightings are one of mother natures ways of showing us her beauty. Be sure to check out some of the other Tree anomalies on visualfunhouse as well.

This beautiful dancer shows her beauty from inside of these tree branches

This spectacular photo of a tree was taken by Carol Lynn Fraser of Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Carol is a Creative Artist and school teacher: combining photography (subject matter primarily natural, but also electronic), paint (fabric, water color and acrylic), draw in pencil, sew, screen print and make rock jewelry. She also studies ‘Sacred Geometry’ as did Leonardo DaVinci. Carol does most of her work in her studio located on her family farm in a house built by her great grandfather in 1905. The ‘Dancing Tree’ has been pirated continuously on the internet and has been given a variety of titles such as Ballerina Tree, Woman’s tree etc. People have written poetry about it, painted it, used it for advertising, called it fake; some insisting Carol used photoshop to doctor it. I personally recieved an e-mail from Carol assuring me she did not use anything to change the picture from its original form. She said the photo was taken at night using a flash and this is how it turned out. Carol is a naturalist (born and raised) and believes strongly in the Creative process, Nature, and the Interconnectedness of all things. “She hopes everyone enjoys this gift from her and nature. Carol does not claim to be an Artist in the popular sense of the word. She prefers to create in the privacy of her own home, for the pure pleasure of it. She does not aspire to fame nor fortune. She only asks that if you use her photo that she be given full credit for her work. Carol Lynn Fraser, B.Ed

Group E Electric Billboard Optical Illusions

The Group E power company in Switzerland has come up with these Electric Billboard Optical Illusions as a bold eye catching way to remind people of the services they provide. These Electric billboards have over size plugs coming out of them attached to various objects around them such as light posts, parking gates, bus stops and banking machines. Group E is a Swiss Electrical company providing power to a good chunk of Switzerland. These over sized plug Billboards are a simple but cool advertising optical illusion.

Group E billboard powers an underground parking gate

Group E billboard powers the bus stop ticket machine

Group E billboard powering this swiss banking machine.

Street light powered by a Group E billboard

Transparent Screen Optical Illusion

The Transparent Screen Optical Illusion is a simple yet effective illusion. These Illusions are created by taking a digital image your backdrop then setting is as your wallpaper. The first one is a very good cool shot of a cat through the x-ray screen! the second looks quite real. The trick to making this illusion work is matching the lighting in the photo and the background to make it a seamless integration. If you get creative with your own transparent screen illusions, be sure to submit them!

Cat through an transparent computer screen

Wires through a transparent laptop screen

Dual Transparent screens

Kid Through Transparent Screen Optical Illusion

Throbbing Fractal Optical Illusion

The Throbbing Fractal Optical Illusion is a very trippy illusion. This image has become fairly famous on a lot of black light posters. When you stare into this star vortex it appears to be throbbing or pulsating; the throbbing effect is caused by the order of the colored over lapping layers. This causes your eyes to jump back and forth rapidly giving it the pulsating or throbbing illusion.

Throbbing Fractal, stare into the center and be prepared for a trippy visual.

Smoking Kills Illusion

The Smoking Kills Illusion was created to send out a message for national non smoking week in Vancouver. This Giant cigarette  sends a powerful message.. the sign read: Deaths from car crashes: 370, Deaths from smoking related causes: 6,027 Quit now before it kills you. Looking at those statistics its a pretty harsh reality when 16 times more deadlier then car accidents. Maybe you will think twice before you go for your next cigarette.

Giant cigarette smashes this poor car sending a powerful message to smokers.

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