3D Painted Face

3D Painted Face is a pretty cool optical illusion created by P. Broomfield. Broomfield is an optical illusion lover who wanted to make one of his own. This glowing 3D face was painted using uv paint and black lights to give it that pop out look. The 3D face was painted in the corner of the room using contrasting colors, this is what gives it the 3d effect when viewed straight on. This effect is simillar to the 3D Gorilla illusion but was probally done using light or a projector to post the skewed image onto the wall to guide the painting much like the 3D painted rooms.

3D Painted Light Face

3D Painted Light Face

3D light face

3D light face

3D Painted Face

3D Painted Face


  • Wow! I really like this entry. Great find! Oh, yeah… I’ve been busy recently, but I’ll get out to College Park soon to snap that optical illusion mentioned last week.

  • Thanks, Sorry for the delay and posts lately guys, been hectic with midterms/finals pretty quick!

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