Monthly Archives: July 2008

Cloud Optical Illusions

Clouds Optical Illusions are created using common objects with clouds as your paint and the sky as your canvas. Using some creative props and angles you can come up with some pretty amazing shots. Similar illusions like the Statue Blowing the Clouds and spraying out the clouds. Although not all of these are created by special perspectives. One of Mother natures great phanomana’s Mammatus Clouds which are a spectacular site to see!

Spraying out the clouds Optical Illusion, a little here a little there

wooden man Grabbing the Clouds

Shooting streaks into the sky

Dragon Blowing smoke into the sky

Pouring clouds out of a can of Tilt

Spread those Clouds out, nice and smooth

The Descent Dali Skull Illusion

The Descent Skull Illusion is a more obvious recreation of the Silence of the Lambs Optical Illusion. If you look at the shape of the girls on this cover you will notice that they form the shape of a skull. On the Silence of the Lambs cover, there is this same image but with nude girls on the head of the moth! Originally this skull was based off an old painting called the Dali Skull. So enjoy your tidbit of movie and check out some of these Scary Optical Illusions.

The Decent Movie Poster - Skull Optical Illusion

George of the Jungle Illusion

George of the Jungle Illusion was randomly submitted by one of our viewers so im not to sure who the creator of this image is.  This Photo is kind of a cute picture, the scene is setup so it appears that little George and his brother are swinging on vines through the jungle.  This photo is one even Tarzan could appreciate 🙂

George of the Jungle swinging through the trees

Convex Concave Rocks optical Illusion

Convex Concave Rocks optical Illusion is a snap shot taken Wild Horse Canyon in Utah.  Mandy pointed out that both of these images are identical just the bottom is flipped upside down.  The top picture appears to be a normal rocky hillside with concave holes in the facade, however the bottom picture appears to have strange convex budges coming out of the side of the mountain.  Its amazing how much the shading of the shadows can play tricks on our eyes.

Convex or Concave anomalies in the rock wall?

Double Bus Optical Illusion

Double Bus Optical Illusion is not your regular double decker bus. This fabulous piece of art work was created by Tom Kennedy who builds these warped art cars and tours them around the world. Kennedy uses the cars to express his political views that are anything but straight forward. The Bus is even going to be driven around for the 2008 Presidential campaign. The top of the bus hides a speakers post, and in the effort to go green this bus even runs on biodiesel.

Double Bus Optical Illusion

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