3D Chalk Raft – Julian Beevers Latest Masterpiece

the 3D Chalk Raft is Julian Beevers Latest Masterpiece, he never fails to amaze me. Beevers chalk art is simply amazing. This 3D chalk raft was created for the Charleston Festival in, in the UK. Julian originally from Brittan now living in the UK, continues to take his magnificent skills and amaze all aground. This is one of my new favorites and I hope you can enjoy its beauty as much as I do. Also be sure to check out some of Julian Beever’s other work.

Julian Beever Riding his 3d Chalk Raft

Beever Painting 3d Chalk Art Raft

Julian Painting 3d Chalk art river raft

Beever painting rapids for raft chalk art
Beevers 3d chalk radt from a side view


  • When I first came across Julians art work I was astonished and have always searched the web for more

  • oh my gawd
    i thought that was water! hes amazing!!!!!!!!!

  • I really really really enjoy looking at Julians art work

  • AAAMMMMAAAAZZZZZZZINNNNGGGG!! I LOVE YOUR ART WHEN I WAS a littler … OK i am only 12 but when i was little i would make my mom look your art up all the time.. i am an artist to and you have inspired me to draw a lot more than usual and use all my oil paints more also… so thank you!! and when ever i get new chalks i always go out and draw something like superman and a stream with a raft or a big coke can… different stuff always!!! thank you again(:

  • amazing well done

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