Author Archives: admin

Ghost Optical Illusion

The Ghost Optical Illusion was uploaded by one of your viewers.  I’m not sure who exactly uploaded it but if it was you be sure to comment and give some more into on it! If you look at the smoke around the girls you may think its cigarette smoke or breath in the cold air, I don’t really know for sure. If you look closely behind the girls you will notice a very distinct figure of a man behind them.. Is there a ghostly presence sneaking into to this photograph or is it just some optical illusion thats all up in smoke! What do you guys thing? Do you believe in the super natural?

Ghost Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion Moving Image

This awesome Optical Illusion is a new twist on some the old Spinning Tunnel Optical Illusion.  The artist has turned that pattern into a vortex with some funky flying VB Beatles and mirror balls flying out of it.  The image is a jpeg not an animated gif, which is part of what makes it an optical illusion! If you stare into the vortex it appears that the edges are sucking into itself.  In actuality this is a static image and not moving at all, your eyes shift focus of the contrasted dot edges. This difference on contrast on the blue circles is what gives the illusion that the image is in motion.

Optical Illusion of being sucked into the vortex

Architectural Optical Illusion

Architectural Optical Illusion is a pretty strange picture. This building is actually the Olympic Stadium in Montreal. The first question you have to ask your self was this planned? The curve in the tree is identical the the strange curvature of the building. I believe its an Olympic center some where.. This Extreme Architecture is pretty cool, and I would love to see more of it 🙂 Was this planned? or just a strange coincidence?

Very Curved Building

Stairway Optical Illusion

Stairway Optical Illusions is a pretty cool picture taken at High Point in New Jersey.  When you look at the stair way is it going up or down? The angle of the railing kind of makes it look like its going up, but is it? or is that just part of the optical illusion!  Stairway to nowhere is another one of these crazy stair case pictures, but not quite as strange as The House that Swift Built. So what do you think where the heck are you going to end up on this stair case?

Up or down the stair case?

Transparent Painted Electrical Boxes

Transparent Painted Electrical Boxes are a neat artsy kind of way to take care of those big metal electrical boxes.   The transparent electrical boxes are very similar to the transparent screens and the transparent cube.  The first one is blended very well, you would almost not even notice it.  The second one is a little more obvious as the color is way to light, maybe it was painted in the fall! The only problem is I could see older poor visioned folks walking right into them.. Cool street art or visually impaired hazards? 😛 what do you think..

Painted see through electrical box

Transparent Painted Electrical Box

Bush Painted Electrical Box

Harrison Sand Castle Competition

Harrison Sand Castle Competition is a extreme sand castle competition held every year at Harrison Hot springs in British Columbia. I know this isn’t really an optical illusion but I just got back from a Dragon Boating festival there and they had these spectacular sand sculptures. I could not help but to post them 🙂 I was wondering how heck they get these things to stay and not crumble away, but according to one of the guys at the entrance its just sand and water that has been tampered down and compacted. Has anyone ever been to Harrison and seen these extreme sand sculptures in person? They really are an amazing sight!

Extreme Pirate Sand Sculpture

Sweet Dreams - Monsters under the bed and in the Closet Sand Sculpture

Talking Walls Sand Sculpture

Alice in Wonderland Sand Sculpture

Extreme Casteles

Lord of the Rings 3D Billboards

Lord of the Rings 3D Billboards Leave a lasting with out using a single word. LOTR is very popular movie trilogy full of mystical creatures and enchanted lands. These bill boards are giant lifelike recreations of some of the movies characters. These giant Creatures were created and displayed throughout New Zealand on everywhere from hotels to shopping centers. Nazgual the dragon, Smeagul and Gollum the troll and the dark knight who was once a peacefully hobbit but was transformed by the ring!

Gollum from Lord of the Rings

LOTR Dark Night Billboard
Lord of the Rings ORC creature

LOTR Giant arrow into the side of a building

Falling Down Stairs Optical Illusion

Falling Down Stairs Optical Illusion is one of those creepy and some what morbid warning optical illusions much like the drowned kid illusion.  The lady at the bottom of the stairs looks very realistic and im sure has startled many shoppers approaching the escalator. High resolution stickers like this the walk into glass ad or the anti drinking and driving ad can make some great 3D images that look very realistic.

Fallen Down Stairs Optical Illusions

Shadow Faces Optical Illusion

Shadow Faces Optical Illusion is more of a contemporary art kind of illusion.  From a distance you would just see funny little squares of paper up on the wall, but when a light is cast on to them they reveal some very distinct shadows of human faces.   Its amazing what you can create with a little ingenuity, I have no clue who the artists is of this cool optical illusion so be sure to post it if you know! Another similar more extreme version is the trash shadow optical illusion, it is very detailed shadows, be sure to check it out!

Shadow faces optical illusion

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