Monthly Archives: September 2007

Motor Bike – Build Yours

These pictures off of billboards optical illusions for a “build yours” motorcycle campaign. At a quick glance you see a sketch of a face but if you look closer; The faces in the pictures below are made entirely out of bike parts, . It looks like a harley logo but its hard to tell from the picture.

Bike Parts face 1

Bike Parts face 2

Bike Parts face 3

3D Chalk Art – Fantacy

The 3D chalk art fantasy section shows some amazing drawings of abstract perception, some mimic life and other just spectacular murals. Viewed from the side they may look like a distorted drawing but viewed straight on brings to life an amazing 3d image.

3D Chalk seal

3D chalk Batman

3D Bog
3d Bog 2

3d Bog 4 3D Chalk - greek

3D Globe

3D Chalk globe viewed from the side reveals its true aspect self.

3D Globe side view

3D chalk Fly

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