Category Archives: Snapshot Illusions

Puddle Images – Bomber Plane


Hidden images can appear almost anywhere, some say you see what you want to see and you can find a picture in anything.. and some seem to think pictures or symbols appear for a reason.

Sonya writes in “Hi I thought I would send you this photo I took yesterday of two almost dried up puddles that I spotted while I was out walking down a path in Peterborough, UK. I felt that I had to photograph them
as to me they instantly made me think they depicted a plane dropping a bomb. I know it’s not a funny picture or an inspiring one but these almost dried out puddles made me stop and think about what is going on in the world today.”puddle-plane-bomber

7 Spectacualr Photoshop Illusions

Photoshop has changed the world of image manipulation.  You see the magic every day from magazine covers to movie posters.  Want to instantly drop 20 pounds in a photo? It only takes about five minutes to tone up in phostoshop. Below are 7 spectacular photoshop optical illusions. Generally I try to only post actual illusion instead of digital ones but these ones were pretty cool and hard to pass up! So next time you want to create that spectacualr grab your umbrella, flat iron and leaky painting and give photshop a whirl.  Enjoys these awesome illusions.

Flying Behind a Truck

Flying Behind a Truck

Ever wanted to grow your own Tree Hand?

Ever wanted to grow your own Tree Hand?

Photoshopped Plastic Road - stretching out the highway!

Photo shopped Plastic Road - stretching out the highway!

Flat Iron your jeans Illusion

Flat Iron your jeans Illusion

Leaky painting? This is a cool photoshopped illusion

Leaky painting? This is a cool photo shopped illusion

Broken Arms Photoshop Illusion

Broken Arms Photoshop Illusion

Roswell Alien Optical Illusion

Roswell Aliens have been a controversial topic around aliens and UFO’s for years. Hundreds of believers travel out to Roswell and new Mexico every year to try to get a glimpse of another world for their self.. As with any supernatural or mysterious event there has been many tourist attractions built around such events. This amazing photo was taken by Rob Sheridan while visiting a Roswell tourist attraction in New Mexico. For a little more alien fun check out this alien face from an ariel view of area 51 in google earth, or some good old fassion crop circles.

Roswell Alien Optical Illusion

Roswell Alien Optical Illusion

Worlds smallest Artwork

Willard Wigan is created of the Worlds Smallest art works, his miniature creations are so small they fit inside the eye of a needle or on top of the head of a pin.  Most of the sculptures are created from a grain of sand which are slowly carved away and painted with a hair plucked off the back of a fly! Many of Willard’s artwoks sell for over 300,000 each! His collection was recently baught for over 30 Million! Im not quite sure if this classifies as an optical illusion, but its pretty amazing if you ask me.  The photos below were taken looking through a micorscope! Willard even has plans to make his work even smaller. Enjoy these magnificant creations of the worlds smallest art.

Bart and Homer Simpson on the head of a pin

Bart and Homer Simpson on the head of a pin

Miniature Boxing Ring

Miniature Boxing Ring

Willard Wigans Clown inside of a needle

Willard Wigans Clown inside of a needle

Elvis on top of a pin

Elvis on top of a pin

Marilyn Monroe Miniature by Willard Wigan

Marilyn Monroe Miniature by Willard Wigan

Peter Pan on a fishing hook

Peter Pan on a fishing hook

Six Wives Of Henry the VIII in the eye of a needle

Six Wives Of Henry the VIII in the eye of a needle

Mini Statue of Liberty

Mini Statue of Liberty

The Wizard of OZ Micro Art

The Wizard of OZ Micro Art

Miniature Titanic

Miniature Titanic

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Willard Wigan and his Needle Miniature Artwork

Willard Wigan and his Needle Miniature Artwork

Looking at this last photo just puts it into perspective how tiny Wigans artwork really is!

In or Out

The In or Out Optical Illusion is a pretty cool picture, as you stare at this column look carefully at the top.  Does it appear to be a hollow shaft going down the length of the column? Do you see a small pyramid above the column? It all in the  lighting my friends. This awesome shot was taken by Prashanth Mahagaonkar. So what do you think In or out?

So what do you think is it going in or out?

Invisible Man

The Invisible Man was originality a classic novel written by H.G. Wells that was later turned  into a movie in 1933.  Recently in 2000-2002 it was recreated as a T.V. series.  The ever popular invisible man has been a fictional character that has captivated young minds of the power to move unseen. This photo was taken is Las Rambla, Barcelona by Shamus O’Reilly.  This spectacualr recreation of the Invisible man would defiantly be a street stopper piece of art.

Invisible man in a modern recreation

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